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11 Plus Units of Measurements

11 Plus Units of Measurements

Is your child facing difficulty solving 11 Plus Units of Measurements in the entrance exam conducted by different grammar schools, Independent schools, and other private schools?11PluseHelp.co.uk helps your children overcome the maths difficulty test, but also to the top in the different school entrance exams? We provide a plethora of 11 Plus maths practice papers.

11 Plus Units of Measurements

Units of measurement cover different measurements and conversions in Length, Area, Volume and Time.


The most used units to measure length are meter, centimetre, millimetre, decimeter, decameter, hectometer, and kilometre.

Conversions of different Lengths:

1 centimeter = 10 millimeters

1  decimeter(dm) = 10 centimeters

1 meter(m) = 100 centimeters

1 decameter = 10 meters

1 hectometer = 100 meters

1 kilometer(km) = 1000 meters


1 centimeter (cm) = 10 mm = 0.01 meter = 0.00001 km

1 meter (m) = 100 cm = 1000mm = 0.001 km

1 kilometer (km) = 1000 m = 105 cm = 106 mm

1 millimeter = 0.001 m = 0.1 cm = 0.000001 km


The length of the side of the square is 40 cm. Express the length in meters and millimetres.


Given the length of the side of the square = 40 cm

1 centimeter (cm) = 0.01 meter

1 centimeter (cm) =10mm

The length of side of square in meters = 40 cm = 40 x 0.01m = 0.4 m

The length of side of square millimeters = 40 cm = 40 x 10 mm = 400 m

2. Area:

Basic units of area are given below:

  1. Square meter (m2)
  2. Square centimetre (cm2)
  3. Square kilometre (km2)

Conversions of different units of Area:

1 m2 = 100cm x 100cm = 104 cm2

1 km2 = 1000m x 1000m = 106 m2

1 hectare = 10000 Square Metres

1 acre = 4046.856 Square Metres



The area of the town is 24 km2. Express the area in terms of square meters.


The area of town = 24 km2.

1 km2 = 106 m2

The area of town = 24 x 106 m2

3. Volume:

Units of volume are given below

  1. Cubic centimetres
  2. Cubic meters
  3. Gallons for liquids
  4. Litres

Conversions of different units of Volume:

1 Cubic meters = 106 cm3

1 Liter = 0.001 m3

1 Cubic meters = 1000 liters

1 gallon = 3.785 litres

1 Liter = 1000ml


The volume of the cylinder is 1000 litres. Express the volume in terms of cubic meters.


The volume of cylinder = 1000 litres

1 Liter = 0.001 cubic meter

The volume of cylinder = 1000 x 0.001 cubic meter = 1 cubic meter


The basic units used to measure time are given below:






Conversions of basic units of Time:

1 Minute = 60 seconds

1 Hour = 60 minutes

1 Day = 24 hours

1 Week = 7 days

1 Year = 365 days

1 Leap year = 366 days


How many weeks present in a year?


1 Year = 365 days

1Week = 7 days

Number of weeks in a year = 365 / 7 = 52 weeks + 1 day


How many weeks present in a leap year?


1 Leap year = 366 days

1Week = 7 days

Number of weeks in a leap year = 366 / 7 = 52 weeks + 2 days


How many hours present in a week?


 1Week = 7 days

1 Day = 24 hours

Number of hours present in a week = 7 x 24 hours = 168 hours

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11 Plus Resources

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